Experiencing Ibogaine as the opiate addiction interrupter that it is, can be an extremely powerful and life-changing endeavor. Ibogaine is a potent medicine that can have an adjustment period of days or even up to weeks afterward, and it’s very helpful to have a solid Ibogaine treatment aftercare plan in place to help you successfully stay on the path to recovery.

After an Ibogaine treatment, you’ll be viewing life through rose-colored glasses so plan well in advance to hold onto that new outlook by surrounding yourself with positive people, building healthy habits and by enjoying life-enhancing activities. It’s a definite window of opportunity that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Your new normal

Learning to embrace a robust lifestyle while transitioning to your “new” normal life works best when you create a good balance in life with activities like reading motivational books or watching similar movies, enjoying music you love, indulging in creative pursuits, hanging out with uplifting people and by getting out in nature. If nothing else, focus on getting enough exercise to lift your endorphins, indulging in a good diet by including lots of water and nutritional foods, and by getting the rest you need.

It’s also important to engage the support of family and friends, to go to group meetings or individual counseling sessions to give you the foundation to get you through this hero’s journey that you’re on.

Also implementing a regular schedule like getting up at the same time everyday and having regularly scheduled activities is extremely important so that you keep up the momentum you are on and not get bored, tired or anything else that might halt your progress.

You will also have lots of inner reflection happening and memories of earlier life choices made or of a current situation may nag at you and slow the momentum. Forgiving yourself and accepting the choices that you may have made in the past is an important part of the process of dealing with an opiate addiction. It’s best to just to feel these feelings so you can move through them and look forward to healthier experiences on the other side.

Adjusting to life after an Ibogaine treatment can be very emotional so it’s really important to set up a solid aftercare plan including support of your loved ones, some kind of counseling, thinking as positive as possible, lots of good food, plenty exercise preferably in nature, getting a good night’s rest and sticking to your new schedule.

Ibogaine treatment aftercare resources

For further info about Ibogaine treatment aftercare, check here and here for ideas and resources to keep you on the road to solid sober living.
